Recent Addition: 1960s-era Souvenir Helmet

1960s-era Phillies Souvenir Helmet

A few weeks ago I bought an "old looking" souvenir helmet on eBay.  It was a more than I usually like to spend on there, but beyond the red plastic shell, it does not look like any other I have previously seen.  It looked 1960-ish, and I had to have it!

Notable features of the helmet:

  • Foam headband; I was really impressed at the condition of the foam - no dry rot whatsoever.
  • "Old-Styled" Logo sticker with red background
  • Engraving on the back, inside: Sports Products P.O. Box 18062 Clev. O, 44118
 You can't be an expert on everything - so, as I often do when I don't have the answer, I took to the internet and found a great resource on souvenir helmets: MLB Souvenir Helmets.  The site has an extensive inventory of all types of helmets, for Major League teams throughout history, including the Phillies.  From the information there, my helmet is from (a rather broad band) 1955-1969...pretty cool.

Interior of the helmet