August "Phanatic of the Month Bobble Head

Well, it's that time of the month again: new Phantatic bobble heads will be on sale at the Majestic Store this morning.  This month's theme is "Surfin' Phanatic", featuring the mascot dressed in a Hawaiian shirt, riding the waves atop a surf board.  

I'd expect this one to be a quick(er) seller.  With the Phils at home through the weekend, they could sell out faster than their normal 2-3 days.  You probably want to beeline to the Majestic Store if you're heading to the game tonight! 

Photo credits:
Phanatic display via @philliesphood (Twitter)
Surfin' Phanatic via @DrBobblesWorld (Twitter)

@DrBobblesWorld tells us this month's figurine has both a bobble head and bobble arms!  Nice modification...