Phillies TTM: Week of 3/18/13

Alright, it seems like players might be clearing out some of the mail that has accumulated in their lockers over the past month or two.  Last week I received three successes back from Florida, by far my best of the Spring.  Hopefully the returns will keep rolling in after the teams head North...

Kevin Frandsen

Kevin Frandsen signed photo card

I bought the 2012 photo card set at the Winter Sale with the goal of sending out to guys during Spring Training.  I noticed a few late-season successes for Frandsen and figured he would be a good target this year.

Jiwan James

Jiwan James signed program

James has a great TTM success rate, and I've been wanting to get a request out to him for a while.  I  scooped up this program on ebay as soon as I saw it.  Whether you follow the minor league affiliates or not, you were probably aware of "The Catch" last year.  Glad to have this one in the collection.

Juan Pierre

Juan Pierre signed photo card

I was sad to see Juan Pierre leave last fall.  After years of him being a Phillie-killer, it was nice to see him in the red pinstripes.